Thursday, September 3, 2009

Opinion of LPS

To Whom It May Concern:
Scotland High School of Leadership and Public Services have implemented a bathroom policy that I do not agree with. The four minutes in between classes is not enough time to go to restroom and I feel that students should be allowed to use the restroom, if needed. I don’t mean it should be an everyday thing, but I do believe that they should be able to when they need to.
Also, I believe that they should give the seniors their senior release, if not at the end of the day, but before lunch, because the lunch lines are still ridiculous even though the fourth lunch was put into affect. If the seniors were allow to get their early, then the underclassmen wouldn’t have to wait in such a long line. All of the teachers that attended Scotland in the past have had many privileges and all they done since the class of 2010 arrived is test their little experiments. If this would have happen to these teachers when they were back in school, they wouldn’t be happy just like were not.
Scotland is trying to conduct too many experiments with this generation and it’s causing more and more students to drop out.
The best way to solve these policies is to give us something back, our time at lunch or senior release, and we won’t be so upset. Seniors already had the privilege to exempt exams and most of us have token all of them, so their nothing to exempt.

Thanks for your time,
Ligeia McCray